
Soul Alchemy 4 You




with Higher Self/Soul Self/Subconsious and Spirit Team Healing/Q&A
***Half Price Sale 
Take advantage of this special price!  Prices subject to change without notice.
Fall Special Price                       $80 online
                                                   $110 in person at my studio
                                                   $140 in person at your location

The first step is the pre-interview where we talk and decide if we are a good fit for each other.  You can then decide to fill out an intake form and book your session. 
The pre-interview is done on a different day from the session and helps you to prepare for the session). 
We begin your session with an interview to make sure you have given me the information needed to make your session the best it can be.
Next we refine and set the intention for your session and solidify your questions for your higher self, subconscious, and spirit team.  
Then comes the induction and the exploration, which can be anywhere you decide you want to go and what you want to see.  The only reason you wouldn't be shown something by Holy Spirit, would be if there was no lifetime that is an energetic vibratory match to you, if there was no lifetime that was in your ancestral timeline, or if Holy Spirit did not think it was relevant for you to see it.  Typically, most people I've worked with successfully see what it is they are searching for.  Usually what they are wondering about is already a nudge from the Holy Spirit, wanting to answer your question or inquiry.
The next part of the session is the Q and A and spiritual healing portion with the Soul Self/Higher Self/Subconscious and your personally spiritual team.  This can be with your angels, guardian angels, Archangels, or any other beloved spiritual figure that you personally put your faith into.  This entire session is done in a light state of trance by relaxing your mind and allowing your subconscious to come forward.

After the session we will have a wrap up discussion.

We can look at the following:
-A time when your soul was or will be with Source/God
-Visit the Spirit Realm/Heavan/Temple Complex (Visit Healing Chamber, Library, Garden
    - look at or talk to a loved one, spirit, or guide in the garden, receive healing in the healing chamber)

-ET/off-world/star seed lifetimes - on other planets, on ships, etc
-Past Earth Lifetimes (Recent BCE-AD)
-Past Earth Lifetimes (Ancient Lumeria, Atlantis, Other)
-Specifically Looking for the Root of your Issue (wherever that may be)
-Specifically Looking for Purpose in Life
-Specifically Looking for Spiritual Gifts/Skills/Knowledge to bring back to the current time
-Explore dream memories or unexplained occurrences
-Other topics that are not mentioned here
-If you don't have a particular destination in mind or are open to multiple options, you can ask Holy Spirit to show
 you whatever is in your soul's best interest.

Pre-Session Interview - Up to 30 Minutes on a separate day before your session
Pre talk - up to 30 minutes on Session Day
Session - 1 hour + online session*
                1 hour + in person session*
Post talk - up to 30 minutes on Session Day
Recording sent to your email
*Sessions may last longer than an hour (up to 1.5 hours BQH session- plus time afterwards to integrate the session afterwards before leaving).

Additional time for all services at a rate of $80/hour $40/half-hour


      Session Prep                                                                                                                                                                   

Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only.
****BQH is not a substitute for medical advice and treatment****
You should always follow the advice of medical professionals.  I do not offer any medical advice.
I am not a psychologist or counselor and I do not treat mental illness or offer personal medical advice or counseling.
Services on this site are not intended to be used to prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure any illness/disease.